Author of Impact

Gretchen Elhassani
Hey! So Glad You’re Here.
I’ve always wanted to write for a living. In fifth grade, I discovered the Song of the Lioness Trilogy, and I was hooked on reading forever after. I passed up the opportunity to pursue English in college because I thought writing was a hobby rather than a career. “Don’t quit your day job,” and all that.
Recently (in no small part due to COVID) I did quit my day job, and began applying to writing gigs full time. I dove into ghostwriting, grant writing and copywriting, anything that involved sitting at the computer and thinking of words. While I still do some of all of that, my true passion is novel writing. I would *love* to be as successful as Nora Roberts; and I won’t read James Patterson because I’m jealous.
I once read a theory that the creator of any art form only brings half of the product to market; the other half is provided by the audience. So these are my half formed novels, awaiting your criticism. I haven’t paid for editors, though I have read each one multiple times to polish it up. I’m just having fun. At some level, I don’t feel like I really exist unless I’m writing.