You’re Not Moving Slow Enough: The Unexpected Formula To Lasting Influence

by Ariel Halevi

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What good is it if someone says “you’re right…” just to get you off their back and then nothing changes? How many times have you “won” an argument or a debate, only to find the other person has reverted back to their original position only moments later?There are many tips and tricks to use for “instant persuasion” – but the real holy grail is lasting influence. This is a kind of influence that lasts long after the conversation has ended. It’s the kind of influence that changes careers and is at the heart of true leaders of people.Would you like to be truly influential? This book can help you achieve that. If you feel you lack formal authority, and no less important – if you’d rather not have to use the authority you do have – this book will show you how to have real lasting impact on people around you: employees, peers, senior managers you report to and of course… clients.